Let Us Help You Generate Free Traffic To Your Website: This is a Community Website. If you provide hyperinks to this website, then we will add you to our Random Page Generator.

Random Page Generator
Pick an Active Topic
Then Click "Get URL!"

Pick a Topic:
As more websites are added to our database, more choices will be available in our drop-down form. We serve 24 unique categories / topics, but only those that have been populated with websites are included here.

Information for Writers

As an article writer, I am sure that you will want to know exactly how this program can work for you.

It is actually a really simple system.

  • Write an Article.

  • If you need to use a Sample Domain URL to tell your story, make a point to use the YourDomainURL.com as your sample.

  • When your article gets published on a third-party website, grab the Proof URL from that external website.

  • Come to YourDomainURL.com and click submit.

  • Fill in our submit form with your First and Last Name, your Email Address, your Domain URL, the Topic that best describes your Domain, and the Proof URL. (The Proof URL is the external website that printed your article. Make sure that this site has Hyperlinked the URL of the YourDomainURL.com website.)

  • When you click Submit, we will verify that the Proof URL has hyperlinked the URL to YourDomainURL.com.

  • Once the Submission Process is completed, we will activate your Domain URL in our Random Link Generator.

  • If you give an appropriate description to YourDomainURL.com, then people will visit when they are in the mood to find a website that might serve their needs. And, since your Domain is in the database, they might just come see your website.

  • You can use either YourDomainURL.com or SampleDomainURL.com as Your Sample Domain URL to participate in this program. Both point to this website.

  • You could use this system to reward the people who publish your articles. We are going to build a backend directory that shows the writer's domains AND the domains of the people who have published our materials.

  • .

    Unless Otherwise Noted, All Copy and Images are:
    Copyright 2006, Your Domain URL.com
    We can be reached by sending an email to:
    webmaster @ our domain name.

    Last Page Update: 2006-01-17